Growing up in a dysfunctional, chaotic family can create a feeling of chaos inside.  This feeling of chaos represents the nervous system and emotional dysregulation within us as a result of trauma.  We get stuck in chaos cycles when we are acting out of this nervous system dysregulation without knowing it, resulting in unwanted or unhealthy consequences to our lives. 

In this episode, I share what Chaos Cycles Are, How Dysfunctional Families Create Cycles of Chaos and How We Can Begin to Move From Chaos in Harmony Inside.



What is a Chaos Cycle?
-Unresolved trauma within the brain and body that drives us to recreate experiences that are unhealthy or unwanted. Basically These are patterns in our lives that are resulting from nervous system and brain dysregulation and create a lack of harmony and health within us. Whether that’s our internal world or external world.

-This is an overwhelming feeling of chaos inside (survival energy/traumatic...

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[ Podcast Episode 61 - Fear, Resistance & Control ]

In this week's episode, I'm talking about how fear, resistance and control are trauma responses. Once we become aware of this, we can begin to release the harmful imprints of living in fear, resistance and control at the level of our bodies. As we do this, we re-discover our own wholeness. 



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[GHC PODCAST - EPISODE 60] What is a Trauma Response?

In this episode I'm talking about trauma responses. 

I'm breaking down what they are, how they create a lack of health in our lives, and how we can gently change our internal state so that our trauma responses are LESS required, or not required at all. 

Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/traumahealingforhighperformers 
Work With Me: www.shylacash.com/workwithme
Email Me: [email protected]
Shownotes: https://www.shylacash.com/blog/ghc60

Shownotes Below:

What is a Trauma Response?


First, a reminder of what trauma actually is. Trauma is too much, too fast, too soon. 

Trauma is a shock to the system that has not been fully processed. 


That means it gets stuck inside your body, creating a state of dysregulation and a lack of health. The lack of health occurs because in a moment of shock, our normal flow of life is interrupted by the shock of the danger or threat so that the body can use all of its resources to keep you...

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4 Areas to Focus on to Create a Life of Healing, Success & Alignment - Part 2

4 Areas to Focus on for a Life of Healing, Success & Alignment - Part 2 - Your True Work

Yesterday was about the first area of focus -  Trauma Healing (read yesterday's blog here).  Now that we’ve covered the importance of making sure your roots are in a state of repair, we’re moving on to the second area - Your True Work. 


What’s beautiful about the process of trauma healing is that it creates safety and resilience inside of you. That means you have a felt-sense of your own ability to be safe and secure within your own body.  This balances your mental, spiritual, emotional and nervous system(s). Once that happens, you begin to unlock your own gifts and talents. When your base level state is a state of health and repair, you naturally discover your own success codes.  

Everything that you have been through and healed from  is part of you. It is inside of you and part of your story. Your brain and body, your cells and...

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4 Areas to Focus on to Create a Life of Healing, Success & Alignment

 Four Areas to Focus on to Create a Life of Healing, Success, and Alignment. 

  1. Trauma Healing, & Embodiment
    2.Your True Work (purpose-work and contribution),
    3. Spirituality, And
    4. Abundance (expanding capacity for wealth) 

Today, we'll discuss the first of these four areas: Trauma-Healing. 



Trauma Healing

This is one area that most ambitious, high-performing people tend to avoid. But the truth is that all humans have experienced trauma to varying degrees at one point or another. Trauma is simply too much, too soon, too fast, for our processing abilities at the time (mental, spiritual, emotional, physical). And, all humans have the ability to heal.


Trauma healing is first about restoring and creating a sense of stability, safety and security inside of ourselves. If you’re familiar with the chakra systems (energy centres) , the root chakra is the place where our physical body makes contact with life itself. I think this is helpful...

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BONUS PODCAST - Episode 54 - The Queen's Gambit!

Queen’s Gambit is the epitome of a high-performer grappling with childhood trauma. Beth, brilliant, excels in school, and a wonderful gift/obsession of playing chess.

However, to break the chains of sabotage, and to allow herself the true win that she desires - she’s got to wade through addiction, sorrow, abandonment and loneliness. 

Join me as I share parallels between Beth Harmon's Journey and our journey as High Performers Healing from Trauma.

Email Me: [email protected]
Work With Me: https://www.shylacash.com/workwithme 
Human Design: https://www.jovianarchive.com/get_your_chart

Bonus Podcast Episode  - Queen’s Gambit 


Queen’s Gambit is the epitome of a high-performer grappling with childhood trauma. Beth, brilliant, excels in school, and a wonderful gift/obsession of playing chess.


However, to break the chains of sabotage, and to allow herself the true win that she desires - she’s got to wade through...

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[GCH PODCAST EPISODE 53] The Healing Paradigm

We can't heal trauma from trauma responses, and so it's so important that we understand that our responses to trauma are often so ingrained and imprinted that we don't recognize them as trauma responses. We think they (our responses) are who we are. But this is a trauma paradigm. And so, to heal, we move into a whole new reality, we move into the paradigm of healing. 

Email Me: [email protected] 
Work With Me: https://www.shylacash.com/workwithme


Paradigm = a typical example or pattern of something; a model.

This is really what people are talking about when they’re talking about mindset - your mindset is your paradigm, it’s the patterns that are running beneath the surface. And I also believe in heart set which is like your emotional state because they inform each other and influence each other.

It is so essential and so important that when you’re healing that you focus on your internal mindset and heartset - that you work on...

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[GHC PODCAST - EPISODE 52] Trauma, Addiction & Recovery with Jeff Simone of Reaction Recovery

It's impossible to look at addiction without seeing the overlap with trauma.

In this episode, I talk with Jeff Simone, He is a Doctor of Pharmacy with a focus on how Fitness and Health help the addicted brain. Our conversation touches on the link between trauma and addiction, the slow pace of bringing the science of trauma into the addiction recovery conversation, spirituality and tons more. 

Follow Jeff on Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/reactionrecovery/ 

Visit Jeff's Website here: 

Work With Me: https://www.shylacash.com/workwithme 

Email Me: [email protected]

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[GHC PODCAST - EPISODE 45] Perfectionism, Spirituality & Self Trust with Valerie Martinez

In today's podcast, my client Valerie Martinez of Valerie's Revival joins me to talk about some of the work we did together in coaching, her experience cultivating grounded spirituality, the effects of trauma on physical health, perfectionism, living authentically and so much more. 

You can find Valerie on instagram at:
and https://www.instagram.com/valerierevivalpodcast/ 

Valerie's Website is: https://www.valerierevival.com/ 

Email me: [email protected]
Work With Me: https://www.shylacash.com/workwithme 

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[GHC PODCAST - EPISODE 44] - How You Think About Trauma

How you think about trauma determines whether you will heal or not. I'm sharing with you some of the most common ineffective thoughts about trauma, and some alternative ways to think about it. 

Work with me: https://www.shylacash.com/workwithme 
Email Me: [email protected]



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